Entries are listed in alphabetical order under the principal's name. The entry includes the full name of the principal and immediately thereafter is the collection's chronological range. The entry contains information concerning the volume (in cubic feet) of material, as well as the file number and the finding number of our automated retrieval system; IRIS. Those collections which the Agency possesses only in microfilm copy are also indicated; the term "negative microfilm" means that this medium is the one which a visiting researcher would use at the Agency.
Then follows a selective biographical entry of the principal: his birth date and place (when known), his highest grade attained, the component (USAAF, USAF, etc.) that was current at his retirement date, his period of service, his civilian and military education, highlights of his military service, his retirement and death dates, and any major publications he authored. A third section contains a brief description of the collection's contents. Yet another section describes any administrative or security restrictions, as well as the existence of related material in the Agency and/or elsewhere. Any requests to consult this material should be directed to:
Archives Branch, Air Force Historical Research Agency
600 Chennault Circle,
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6424