ADAMS, Gerald M., PAPERS. 1990 - 1998 unknown cu ft Call Nos. 168.7377 through 168.7377-3 IRIS Nos. 1143088 through 1143091 Gerald M. Adams is a native of Nebraska and served as a high altitude reconnaissance pilot in England during World War II. After the war, he continued with the Strategic Air Command (SAC) until 1960 when he completed the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. From 1960 until March of 1972, he spent four years in the Air Staff, three years at SHAPE, three years to the U.S. Mission to the U.S. Nations in New York, ten months with the A.F. Advisory Group at Ton Son Nhut Air Base, Vietnam that concluded the pull-out. Back in the U.S., he was assigned to the Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff at SAC HQ for three years followed by an 18 month retirement assignment to 4th AD HQ in Wyoming. Gerald M. Adams retired at the rank of colonel in 1978. Since retiring from the Air Force, Colonel Adams has written numerous published works pertaining to western military, early aviation, and other historical publications. This personal collection contains unofficial correspondence, an article from the Council on America's Military Past, and three copyrighted publications: (1) Annals of Wyoming: Vol 62, No. 3, Fall of 1990 (2) Fort Francis E. Warren and the Quartermaster Corps in World war II, 1940 to 1946 (3) The Bells of Balangiga