MINTZ, EDWARD J. Papers. 1943-1945 .25 cu ft Call Nos. 830.04-1, 830.04-2. 830.13-1 IRIS No. 0267070-0267071, 0267138 Captain. USAFF. Duty assignments include: Assistant Historical Officer, Tenth Air Force, 1943-1945. Official papers relating to Mintz's duties as Assistant Historical Officer, Tenth Air Force. Includes a handwritten informal diary of tenth Air Force while in Burma (1944-1945). Also includes a special report entitled "Air Dropping in Northern Burma" (1943-1945) and a report on Operation GRUBWORM (1944-1945) which involved the air movement of 25,000 Chinese and 249 American soldiers and their supplies and equipment from Burma to China. Contains official photographs. Related materials located elsewhere in the Document Collection, Air Force Historical research Agency, include the personal papers of Major Ruben L. Parson (830.13-2).