8.7 cu ft

Call No. 168.7036

IRIS Nos. 0126993-0127052

Educator, Department of the Air Force, 1946-1972.  BA, Howard College (Birmingham, AL), 1928; MA, 1937; PhD, 1953, U of Chicago. Successively Educational Consultant, 1946-1948; Educational Specialist (Deputy for Curriculum), 1948-1954; and Senior Educational Advisor, 1954-1972, Air University. Retired June 1972. Consultant, Community College of the Air Force, 1972-1975.

Official papers relating to Shelburne's Air Force service. Includes a collection of official reports, studies, articles, and other materials relating to the establishment and development of the Air Force professional military education system at the Air University, primarily containing materials for 1945-1972. Includes reports of Gerow Board (1946), Fairchild Board (1950), Air Force Educational Requirements Board (1963), and Haines Board (1966). Also includes reports from Tyler (1955), Rawlings (1956), and Humphrey (1959) studies as well as various other studies and surveys on various schools in the Air University system, Reserve Officer Training (Benson Report - 1969), and surveys of other professional military schools in the other services relating to the development of Air Force professional education. Also contains six volumes of articles and typescript materials (1861-1967) collected by Shelburne relating to military education and the profession of arms including some typescripts of correspondence of Emory Upton with various military leaders and Cabinet officials on the profession if arms (1865-1885).

Related materials located elsewhere in the Document Collection, Air Force Historical Research Agency, include an interview between Shelburne and General Ira Eaker, 27 July 1951 (K239.01C).

Access to some materials restricted by security classifications.

Related materials located in the Document Collection, Air Force Historical Research Agency, include oral history interviews, some with transcripts (1968, 1969, 2-1973).