.1 cu ft
Call No. 168.7168
IRIS Nos. 890842, 892983, 10134104
General. USAF, 1929-1965. Born in Columbia, MO. BS, United States Military Academy, 1926; MS, CIT, 1936. Air Corps Tactical School, 1939. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry, 1926; began duty in Air Corps, March 1929. Career assignments include: various duties as company and field grade officer, 1926-1940; Commanding Officer, 10th Reconnaissance Squadron, 1940-1941; Commanding Officer, III Air Support Command, 1941-1942; Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, Eighth Air Force, 1942-1943; Commanding Officer, 44th Bomb Group, January - September 1943; successively Commanding Officer and Commanding General, 14th Combat Wing, 1943-1945; Chief, Personnel Services, HQ AAF, 1945-1946; Deputy to the Assistant Chief of Staff, HQ AAF, 1946-1947; Commanding General, Fifteenth Air Force, 1947-1948; Commanding General, 3rd Air Division (redesignated Third Air Force, May 1951), 1948-1952; additional duty as Chief, Military Assistance Group, United Kingdom, 1951-1952; Commanding General, Continental Air Command, 1952-1956; additional duty as Senior Air Force Member, Military Staff Committee, United Nations, 1953-1956; US Representative to North Atlantic Military Committee, Military Representatives Committee and Standing group, NATO, 1956-1958; Air Deputy to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, HQ SHAPE, 1958-1961. Retired 31 July 1961, recalled September 1961. Director, Net Evaluation Subcommittee Staff, National Security Council, 1961-1965. Retired 30 April 1965.
Personal and official papers relating to Johnson's Air Force career, specifically during his assignment to the 3rd Air Division (later Third Air Force) from 1948-1952. Contains his diary including Letter Orders of Instructions (1948), memoranda (1948-1949) and daily accounts of his activities (1948-1952) relating to the interface between the British and the Americans in their effort to establish an American military presence in the post-war years.
Related materials located elsewhere in the Document Collection, Air Force Historical Research Agency, include oral history interviews with transcripts (1961, 1964), lectures by Johnson, 1954 and 1955, (K239.716254-36, K239.716255-23) and an interview on film, 1965.
Related materials located in the Air University Library, include articles by and about Johnson.