2 reels negative microfilm
Call No. 168.7149, 34143-34144
IRIS Nos. 1032818-1032319
Major General. USAAF, 1920-1944. Born in Fort Omaha, NE. BS, United States Naval Academy, 1910. Air Service Engineering School, 1922; Air Corps Tactical School, 1927; Command and General Staff School, 1928; Army War College, 1932; Naval War College, 1933. Served in United States Navy as Ensign, 1910-1912; became Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery, 1912 and served to grade of Captain, 1912-1920, with duty in Ordnance Department (1914-1917) and Aviation Section, Signal Corps (1917-1918); transferred to Air Service, July 1920. Career assignments include: various duties as company and field grade officer, 1920-1940, including duty as Commandant, Air Service Observation and Communications School, 1920-1921, and participant in Pulitzer Air Races, 1922; successively Commander, 3rd Bombardment Wing and III Bombardment Command, 1941-1942; Commanding General, First Air Force, March-July 1942; Minister to Russia, August-December 1942; Air Inspector, HQ USAAF, 1943. Retired April 1944. Died in Mineola, NY.
Personal and official papers relating primarily to Bradley's military career. Includes correspondence (1905-1934, 1941-1952), personal and special orders (1912-1944), and personal records retained in his 201 File (1928, 1942). Includes speeches and addresses made by Bradley, along with newsclippings (1938-1947) and photographs (1905-1911, 1942-1952). Contains reports and messages relating to the "Bradley Mission" to Russia to open an airway there for the delivery of US Lend-Lease airplanes (1942). Also included is printed material relative to Bradley's post Army Air Corps employment with the Sperry Corporation.
Available on microfilm only. Originals are on file at USAF Academy.