6.6 cu ft
Call No. 168.7041
IRIS Nos. 1008748, 1001119-1001179, 1021449-1021461, 1025200-1025205, 1028215-1028291
General. USAF, 1938-1973. Air War College, 1950; National War College, 1954. Flying Cadet, 1938-1939; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Reserve, February 1939. Career assignments include: various duties as company and field grade officer, 1939-1954; Commander, 314th Air Division, 1954-1955; Commander, 312th Fighter Bomber Wing, 1955-1957; Commander, 832nd Air Division, 1957-1958; Director of Plans, HQ Tactical Air Command (TAC), 1958-1961; Director of Operational Requirements, HQ USAF, 1961-1964; Commander, Air Training Command, 1964-1966; Commander, Seventh Air Force and Deputy Commander for Air Operations, Military Assistance Command-Vietnam, 1966-1968; Commander, HQ TAC, 1968-1973. Retired September 1973. Author of Air Power in Three Wars (1978).
Personal and official papers relating to Momyer's Air Force career, primarily for 1966-1973. Includes official memoranda, reports, messages, briefings, and some correspondence pertaining to US air operations in Vietnam, Vietnam Air Force requirements, and Momyer's command of TAC. Contains some materials on F-111, the single manager concept, electronic warfare and countermeasures, decentralization of command and control, interdiction and air power. Also includes some personal recollections of WWII duty in Africa, various speeches (1966-1972), and drafts of his book, Air Power in Three Wars.
Access to many materials is restricted by security classifications.
Related materials located elsewhere in the Document Collection, Air Force Historical Research Agency, include an oral history interview with transcript (1977).