The Air Force Historical Research Agency publishes organizational records as a source of ready information for United States Air Force and United States Space Force historians, other researchers, and the general public. Most of the sources used to prepare the lineage and honors entries are located in the document collection of the Air Force Historical Research Agency at Maxwell AFB, Alabama. The Agency collects indispensable primary source documents, including Department of the Air Force manpower and organization numbered letters, G-series special orders, operations plans and reports, and similar records. The Agency also maintains organizational records and official heraldry files to provide essential information. Unfortunately, even with all the available information, the historians could not always ascertain specific facts. These entries are subject to revision in the light of evidence that may be discovered or become available in the future.
Lineage and honors (L&H) information posted on this site is for ACTIVE UNITS only. Although thousands of units have served our country, the AFHRA has a large backlog of currently active units awaiting L&H information. Resources are not available to post or update L&H histories for inactive units. The sequence of updating and posting of active unit L&H information, including emblem artwork, is dependent on the workload and resources within the Agency. Note: unit information that is posted is current as of the date entered on the organizational record, although there may have been subsequent unit status changes, redesignations, or additional honors. This additional lineage information will be included in the next L&H update that the AFHRA prepares for the unit.
This site contains official United States Space Force organizational information. Any information compiled on other websites should be considered unofficial.