402 Intelligence Squadron 403 Aeromedical Staging Squadron 403 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 403 Communications Flight 403 Force Support Squadron 403 Logistics Readiness Squadron 403 Maintenance Squadron 403 Operations Support Squadron 403 Security Forces Squadron 404 Supply Chain Management Squadron 406 Supply Chain Management Squadron 407 Supply Chain Management Squadron 408 Supply Chain Management Squadron 409 Supply Chain Management Squadron 410 Flight Test Squadron 410 Supply Chain Management Squadron 410 Test and Evaluation Squadron 411 Flight Test Squadron 411 Supply Chain Management Squadron 412 Aircraft Instrumentation Squadron 412 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 412 Civil Engineer Squadron 412 Communications Squadron 412 Comptroller Squadron 412 Force Support Squadron 412 Healthcare Operations Squadron 412 Logistics Readiness Squadron 412 Logistics Test Squadron 412 Maintenance Squadron 412 Operational Medical Readiness Squadron 412 Operations Support Squadron 412 Range Squadron 412 Security Forces Squadron 413 Flight Test Squadron 414 Combat Training Squadron 414 Maintenance Squadron 414 Supply Chain Management Squadron 415 Flight Test Flight 415 Supply Chain Management Squadron 416 Flight Test Squadron 416 Supply Chain Management Squadron 417 Flight Test Squadron 417 Supply Chain Management Squadron 417 Test and Evaluations Squadron 418 Flight Test Squadron 418 Supply Chain Management Squadron 418 Test and Evaluation Squadron 419 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 419 Flight Test Squadron 419 Force Support Squadron 419 Logistics Readiness Squadron 419 Maintenance Squadron 419 Medical Squadron 419 Operations Support Squadron 419 Security Forces Squadron 419 Supply Chain Management Squadron 420 Supply Chain Management Squadron 421 Fighter Squadron 420 Flight Test Squadron 421 Fighter Generation Squadron 421 Supply Chain Management Squadron 422 Communications Squadron 422 Supply Chain Management Squadron 422 Test and Evaluation Squadron 423 Supply Chain Management Squadron 424 Supply Chain Management Squadron 422 Joint Tactics Squadron 423 Communications Squadron 423 Force Support Squadron 424 Air Base Squadron 425 Air Base Squadron 425 Fighter Squadron
426 Network Warfare Squadron 427 Reconnaissance Squadron 428 Electromagnetic Warfare Flight 428 Fighter Squadron 429 Supply Chain Management Squadron 430 Supply Chain Management Squadron 432 Aircraft Communications Maintenance Squadron 432 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 432 Maintenance Squadron 432 Operations Support Squadron 432 Security Forces Squadron 432 Support Squadron 433 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron 433 Aeromedical Staging Squadron 433 Aerospace Medicine Squadron 433 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 433 Civil Engineer Squadron 433 Contingency Response Flight 433 Force Support Squadron 433 Logistics Readiness Squadron 433 Maintenance Squadron 433 Medical Squadron 433 Operations Support Squadron 433 Security Forces Squadron 433 Training Squadron 433 Weapons Squadron 434 Aerospace Medicine Squadron 434 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 434 Civil Engineer Squadron 434 Communications Squadron 434 Contracting Flight 434 Fighter Training Squadron 434 Force Support Squadron 434 Logistics Readiness Squadron 434 Maintenance Squadron 434 Operations Support Squadron 434 Security Forces Squadron 435 Air Mobility Squadron 435 Construction and Training Squadron 435 Fighter Training Squadron 435 Security Forces Squadron 435 Supply Chain Operations Squadron 435 Training Squadron 436 Aerial Port Squadron 436 Aerospace Medicine Squadron 436 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 436 Civil Engineer Squadron 436 Communications Squadron 436 Comptroller Squadron 436 Contracting Squadron 436 Dental Squadron 436 Force Support Squadron 436 Healthcare Operations Squadron 436 Logistics Readiness Squadron 436 Maintenance Squadron 436 Operations Support Squadron 436 Operational Medical Readiness Squadron 436 Supply Chain Operations Squadron 436 Training Squadron 437 Aerial Port Squadron 437 Aerospace Medicine Squadron 437 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 437 Maintenance Squadron 437 Operations Support Squadron 437 Security Forces Squadron 437 Supply Chain Operations Squadron 438 Supply Chain Operations Squadron 439 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron 439 Aeromedical Staging Squadron 439 Aerospace Medicine Squadron 439 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 439 Contingency Response Flight 439 Force Support Squadron 439 Maintenance Squadron 440 Force Support Squadron 440 Operations Support Squadron 442 Force Support Squadron 445 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron 445 Aeromedical Staging Squadron 445 Aerospace Medicine Squadron 445 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 445 Civil Engineer Squadron 445 Force Support Squadron 445 Logistics Readiness Squadron 445 Maintenance Squadron 445 Operations Support Squadron 445 Security Forces Squadron 445 Test Squadron 446 Aerospace Medicine Squadron 446 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron 446 Aeromedical Staging Squadron 446 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 446 Civil Engineer Squadron 446 Force Support Squadron 446 Logistics Readiness Flight 446 Maintenance Squadron 446 Operations Support Squadron 446 Security Forces Squadron 450 Intelligence Squadron
451 Flying Training Squadron 451 Intelligence Squadron 452 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron 452 Aeromedical Staging Squadron 452 Aerospace Medicine Squadron 452 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 452 Airlift Control Flight 452 Civil Engineer Squadron 452 Communications Squadron 452 Contingency Response Flight 452 Contracting Flight 452 Flight Test Squadron 452 Force Support Squadron 452 Logistics Readiness Squadron 452 Maintenance Squadron 452 Operations Support Squadron 452 Security Forces Squadron 453 Electronic Warfare Squadron 455 Flying Training Squadron 457 Fighter Squadron 458 Airlift Squadron 459 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron 459 Aeromedical Staging Squadron 459 Aerospace Medicine Squadron 459 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 459 Airlift Squadron 459 Flying Training Squadron 459 Force Support Squadron 459 Logistics Readiness Squadron 459 Maintenance Squadron 459 Operations Support Squadron 459 Security Forces Squadron 461 Air Control Networks Squadron 461 Flight Test Squadron 461 Operations Support Squadron 465 Air Refueling Squadron 466 Fighter Squadron 469 Flying Training Squadron 470 Air Base Squadron 477 Aerospace Medicine Flight 477 Force Support Squadron 477 Operations Support Flight 479 Operations Support Squadron 480 Fighter Squadron 482 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 482 Attack Squadron 482 Civil Engineer Squadron 482 Communications Squadron 482 Civil Engineer Squadron 482 Contracting Flight 482 Force Support Squadron 482 Logistics Readiness Squadron 482 Maintenance Squadron 482 Medical Squadron 482 Operations Support Squadron 482 Security Forces Squadron 485 Intelligence Squadron 488 Intelligence Squadron 489 Attack Squadron 490 Missile Squadron 491 Attack Squadron 492 Attack Squadron 492 Fighter Generation Squadron 492 Fighter Squadron 493 Fighter Squadron 494 Fighter Generation Squadron 494 Fighter Squadron 495 Fighter Squadron 496 Air Base Squadron 497 Combat Training Flight
501 Intelligence Squadron 502 Civil Engineer Squadron 502 Communications Squadron 502 Comptroller Squadron 502 Contracting Squadron 502 Force Support Squadron 502 Logistics Readiness Squadron 502 Security Forces Squadron 505 Combat Training Squadron 505 Communications Squadron 505 Training Squadron 507 Air Defense Aggressor Squadron 507 Medical Squadron 507 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 507 Civil Engineer Squadron 507 Force Support Squadron 507 Logistics Readiness Squadron 507 Maintenance Squadron 507 Operations Support Squadron 507 Security Forces Squadron 509 Force Support Squadron 509 Operational Medical Readiness Squadron 509 Operations Group 509 Weapons Squadron 510 Fighter Generation Squadron 510 Fighter Squadron 512 Contingency Response Flight 512 Force Support Squadron 512 Intelligence Squadron 512 Logistics Readiness Squadron 512 Rescue Squadron 513 Electronic Warfare Squadron 514 Air Mobility Operations Squadron 514 Communications Squadron 514 Flight Test Squadron 514 Force Support Squadron 514 Logistics Readiness Squadron 516 Software Engineering Squadron 517 Airlift Squadron 517 Software Engineering Squadron 518 Software Engineering Squadron 519 Software Engineering Squadron 520 Software Engineering Squadron 522 Fighter Squadron 522 Special Operations Squadron 523 Fighter Squadron 524 Special Operations Squadron 525 Fighter Generation Squadron 525 Fighter Squadron 531 Commodities Maintenance Squadron 531 Intelligence Support Squadron 532 Training Squadron 535 Airlift Squadron 537 Airlift Squadron 547 Intelligence Squadron 548 Combat Training Squadron 549 Combat Training Squadron 550 Fighter Squadron 550 Special Operations Squadron 552 Air Control Networks Squadron 552 Maintenance Squadron 553 Intelligence Squadron 554 RED HORSE Squadron 555 Fighter Generation Squadron 555 Fighter Squadron 555 Software Engineering Squadron 556 Software Engineering Squadron 557 Flying Training Squadron 557 Software Engineering Squadron 558 Flying Training Squadron 558 Software Engineering Squadron 559 Aerospace Medicine Squadron 559 Flying Training Squadron 559 Medical Squadron 559 Software Engineering Squadron 559 Trainee Health Squadron 560 Flying Training Squadron 560 RED HORSE Squadron 561 Network Operations Squadron 561 Weapons Squadron 562 Flying Training Squadron 563 Electronic Warfare Squadron 563 Operations Support Squadron 567 RED HORSE Squadron 569 US Forces Police Squadron 571 Mobility Support Advisory Squadron 574 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 575 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 576 Flight Test Squadron 577 Software Engineering Squadron 578 Software Engineering Squadron 579 Software Engineering Squadron 580 Software Engineering Squadron 581 Software Engineering Squadron 586 Flight Test Squadron 595 Operations Support Flight
604 Air Support Operations Squadron 605 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 605 Test and Evaluation Squadron 607 Air Communications Squadron 606 Air Control Squadron 607 Air Support Squadron 607 Support Squadron 607 Weather Squadron 609 Air Support Squadron 610 Air Control Flight 612 Air Base Squadron 612 Air Communications Squadron 614 Air and Space Communications Squadron 616 Air Communications Squadron 618 Air Communications Squadron 621 Air Control Squadron 621 Air Mobility Operations Squadron 621 Contingency Response Squadron 621 Contingency Response Support Squadron 621 Mobility Support Operations Squadron 622 Force Support Squadron 623 Air Control Squadron 624 Aerospace Medicine Flight 625 Strategic Operations Squadron 627 Civil Engineer Squadron 628 Civil Engineer Squadron 628 Communications Squadron 628 Force Support Squadron 628 Healthcare Operations Squadron 628 Logistics Readiness Squadron 628 Operational Medical Readiness Squadron 628 Security Forces Squadron 633 Civil Engineer Squadron 633 Comptroller Squadron 633 Communications Squadron 633 Contracting Squadron 633 Dental Squadron 633 Force Support Squadron 633 Healthcare Operations Squadron 633 Medical Support Squadron 633 Security Forces Squadron 633 Operational Medical Readiness Squadron 635 Materiel Maintenance Squadron 635 Materiel Maintenance Support Squadron 647 Civil Engineer Squadron 647 Force Support Squadron 647 Security Forces Squadron 649 Munitions Squadron 655 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 668 Alteration and Installation Squadron 673 Civil Engineer Squadron 673 Communications Squadron 673 Comptroller Squadron 673 Contracting Squadron 673 Dental Squadron 673 Force Support Squadron 673 Healthcare Operations Squadron 673 Inpatient Operations Squadron 673 Logistics Readiness Squadron 673 Medical Support Squadron 673 Operational Medical Readiness Squadron 673 Security Forces Squadron 673 Surgical Operations Squadron 682 Air Support Operations Squadron 688 Operations Support Squadron 690 Cyberspace Control Squadron 690 Cyberspace Operations Squadron 690 Intelligence Support Squadron 691 Cyberspace Operations Squadron 692 Cyberspace Operations Squadron