.75 cu ft, 41 reels negative microfilm
Call No. 168.7126, 23175-23216
IRIS No. 1032944-1032963, 1036997, 0891450-0892758
General. USAAF, 1920-1947.
Born in Field Creek, TX. BS, Southeastern Normal College, 1917; BA, U of Southern California, 1933. Air Corps Tactical School, 1936; Command and General Staff School, 1937. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry Reserve, August 1917 and served to grade of First Lieutenant, 1917-1920; advanced to Captain, Air Service, July 1920. Career assignments include: various duties as company and field grade officer, 1920-1941; including pilot in the Pan American Flight (1926-1927), and pilot of the aircraft, "Question Mark," on its refueling endurance flight (1929); concurrently Commanding General, VIII Bomber Command and HQ Detachment, Eighth Air Force, 1942; concurrently Commanding General, Eighth Air Force and USAAF in the United Kingdom, 1942-1944; Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Allied Air Forces, 1944-1945; Deputy Commanding General and Chief of Air Staff, HQ USAAF, 1945-1947. Retired as Lieutenant General, August 1947; promoted to General by direction of the President, 4 April 1985. Vice President, Hughes Tool Company, 1947-1957; Executive, Douglas Aircraft Company, 1957-1961; Consultant, Hughes Aircraft Company, 1967; Syndicated Columnist, Copley News Service, 1964-1974, and Los Angeles Times Syndicate, 1974-1982; Founding President, United States Strategic Institute, 1973; Vice President, United States Strategic Institute, 1973. Died at Malcolm Grow Air Force Medical Center, MD. Honors include the Wright Trophy and the Congressional Gold Medal (1979). Co-author with General Henry H. Arnold of This Flying Game (1936, revisions in 1938, 1943), Winged Warfare (1941), and Army Flyer (1942).
Personal and official papers relating to Eaker's military service and post-retirement occupations. Includes personal (1950-1982) and official (1962-1972) correspondence. Also includes speeches and briefings (1966-1980) as well as a comprehensive collection of news release drafts on national security and related issues written by Eaker (1926-1980). Also includes a transcript of an interview with General James H. Doolittle on the ethical issues of bombing during World War II (1979). Contains brochures and other mementos of conferences, meetings, and trips (1966-1975), and copies of selected magazines (1970-1981). Also includes a copy of the Handbook of Radio Range Data (1935). Also contains numerous photographs (1903-1976) including those taken during World War II, during the Pan American Flight (1926-1927), of the Lockheed XP-80A (1948), and of the Besler Engine Mounting System (1932).
Most of the materials are available on microfilm only. Originals located at the Library of Congress.
Access to some materials restricted by security classifications and USAF administrative markings.
Related materials located elsewhere in the Document Collection, Air Force Historical Research Agency, include transcripts and/or tapes of oral history interviews and comments by Eaker (1962, 1964, 1966, 1970, 1973). Also includes diaries, speeches, lectures, and addresses 91945-1965); press conferences and interviews (1943-1944); reports (1942-1943), and other miscellaneous files by or about Eaker.
Related materials located elsewhere in the Air University Library (AUL) include article by and about Eaker (see AUL Index to Military Periodicals, 1957-1987) as well as copies his three books. Related materials referenced elsewhere include Eaker's papers located at the Library of Congress, Manuscript Division and at the US Army Military History Institute (National Union Catalog Manuscript Collections, MS 66-1402, MS 79-1427).