2 reels negative microfilm
Call No. 168.7148, 34142-34143
IRIS Nos. 1032817-1032818
Major General. USAF, 1928-1955.Born at Fort Monroe, VA. BS, Georgia School of Technology, 1924. Air Corps Tactical School, 1935; Command and General Staff School, 1939. Flying Cadet, 1928-1929; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Reserve, February 1929. Career assignments include: various duties as company and field grade officer, 1929-1942, including duty as member of Air Corps Aerobatic and Demonstration Team, 1931-1935, and Instructor, Air Corps Tactical School, 1935-1938; Commanding General, 3rd Bomb Wing, 1942; Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Allied Expeditionary Air Forces, 1943; Air Planner, Joint Planning Staff, HQ AAF, 1943-1944; Commander, XXI Bomber Command, 1944-1945; Commander, 38th Flying Training Wing, 1945; Commanding General, Caribbean Wing, Air Transport Command, 1945-1946. Retired December 1946. Recalled to active duty, 1951 and served in various staff positions. Reverted to retired status, 1955. Author of The Air Plan That Defeated Hitler (1972) and Strategic Air War Against Japan (1980). Died in Hilton Head, SC.
Personal and official papers relating to Hansell's military service. Includes preliminary typewritten manuscript entitled "American Air Power in World War II." Includes a personal notebook (1937-1945, 1942-1955) which references his replacement in the XXI Bomber Command by General LeMay in 1945. Contains speeches made by Hansell and H.H. Arnold. Also includes material from Air Corps Tactical School (1933-1939) consisting of lectures, notes and class presentations. Also contains Hansell's personnel folder (1929-1946).
Related materials located elsewhere in the Document Collections, Air Force Historical Research Agency, include an oral history interview with transcript only (1967).
Available on microfilm only. Originals are on file at USAF Academy Library.