1 cu ft
Call No. 168.7226
IRIS No. 00896472
Brigadier General. Air Reserve, 1929; USAF, 1930-1957.
Born in Oakland, CA. BS, 1926; MS, 1939; California Institute of Technology. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Reserve, 1929. Career assignments include: various duties as company and field grade officer, 1930-1939; Base Weather officer, March Field, 1939-1940; Commander, 1st Weather Squadron, 1940-1941; Regional Control Officer, 1st Weather Region, 1941; Regional Control Officer, Presque Isle, ME, 1943; Chief, A-3 Section, HQ Army Airways Communication System (AACS), 1943; Commander, AACS Wing, 1943-1944; Commander and later Commanding General, HQ AACS, 1945; Commanding General, Pacific Division, Western Pacific Wing, Air Transport Command, 1946-1948; Commanding General, 540th Transport Wing, 1948; Commanding General, 1503rd Air Transport Wing, 1948-1949; Deputy Director of Communications, HQ USAF, 1949-1952; Assistant Chief of Staff, Communications, Allied Air Force Central Europe, 1952-1955; Assistant Director for Electronic Support Systems, Air Research and Development Command, 1955-1957. Retired July 1957.
Personal and official papers relating to Farman's career. Includes reports, memoranda, messages and telephone transcripts on the workings of he Army Airways Communication System during 1944-1945. Also includes a detailed report on the proposed creation of a separate Air Force (1945). Includes personnel records, special and general orders, travel memoranda and vouchers, flight records and pay data covering most of Farman's career (1937-1958).
Some material available on microfilm only.
Access to some materials restricted by security classification.
Related materials located elsewhere in the Document Collection, Air Force Historical Research Agency, include interviews with transcripts (K239.0511-13, K239.0511-34).