8 cu ft
Call No. 168.7207
General. USAF, 1930, 1942-1964. Born in Chilhowie, VA. BS, United States Military Academy, 1929. Coast Artillery School, 1936. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery, June 1929,and served to grade of Major with duty in Air Corps, January 1942. Career assignments include: Deputy Assistant Chief of the Air Staff for Operations, Commitments and Requirements, 1943-1946; Chief of Staff, Air Transport Command, 1946; Commanding General, European Division, Air Transport Command, 1946; Commanding General, Headquarters Command, United States Air Forces in Europe,1946-1947; Assistant Vice Chief of Staff, USAF, 1947-1953; Vice Commander, HQ Air Materiel Command (redesignated Air Force Logistics Command), April 1961), 1953-1962; Vice Chief of Staff, USAF, 1962-1964. Retired 31 July 1964. Assistant Administrator, Management and Development, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1964-1965; Director, Federal Aviation Administration, 1965-1968. Died in San Antonio, TX.
Personal and official papers relating to McKee's career in the Air Force and his subsequent positions in NASA and the FAA, primarily between 1948 and 1968. Contains a significant amount of a mixture of personal and official correspondence (146-1968). Selected documents within this correspondence include a photograph of a letter written by Vice Admiral Porter, US Naval Academy, acknowledging receipt of a Wigwag Signal Flag Kit and Navigation System from developer, Brigadier General Albert J. Myer, founder of the US Army Signal Corps (1866), and the accompanying Manual of the Code of Signals (1864); a report by Mr W.C. Wentworth (M.P. Australia) entitled "Time and Bomb" (1953); a paper by Eugene M. Zuckert (member, Atomic Energy Commission) entitled "Some Observations on Unification in Operation, 1946-1952" (1953); a paper by the Study Group of Atlantic Alliance entitled " NATO Relationships" (1956); and notes by Lieutenant General N. Pasti (Italian Air Forces) on 'Modern War and Aircraft Features" (1962). Also includes scripts of speeches made by McKee to both military and civilian groups (1953-1965). Includes other miscellaneous memoranda, correspondence and papers relating to McKee's involvement at NASA and the FAA, as well as his participation in various councils and advisory groups (1953-1967). Also contains several documents authored by Raymond L. Bisplinghoff (NASA, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) about space and aviation research and development (1964-1966). Contains photographs and related news clippings of McKee, primarily in his positions with NASA and the FAA (1964-1968), including a segment on the Metro Air Support exercise in new York City (November 1966). Also includes trip notes and itineraries (1964-1965); orders (1941-1962); awards, citations and certificates (1963-1968); letters of appreciation (1946-1952), and a few personnel records (1962-1966).
Related materials located elsewhere in the Document Collection, Air Force Historical Research Agency, include oral history interviews with transcripts (1964, 1973, 1977, 1979, 1984); lectures by McKee, 1949-1952 (K239.716252-48, K239.716249-61)and correspondence with Lieutenant General Whitehead located in the Whitehead Personal Papers Collection, 1949-1951 (168. 6008-3).
Related materials located in the Air University Library include various articles written by and about McKee.