ALLEN, Roy, PAPERS. 1944 – 1945 and 1975 – 1980

unknown cu ft

Call Nos. 168.7378 through 168.7378-2

IRIS Nos. 1143094 through 1143096

(1918-1992). Roy Allen was born in Olney, Philadelphia. He became a B-17 pilot and served in WWII. On 14 June 1944, Roy Allen and his crew were hit and forced to parachute into Nazi-occupied France. Roy was initially aided by the Duval family that helped him to get better from the injuries he suffered from the bale-out. He was treated for kidney stones in a French hospital. Roy was later betrayed by a man pretending to be an agent and was made a prisoner of war (POW) and eventually was taken to Buchenwald concentration camp. After being placed in Stalag XIII-D, the Allies were advancing and the POW's were forced to "march" on 27 January 1945. This later became known as a "death march". On 29 April 1945 the POW's ere liberated by General George Patton's Army.

This personal collection contains correspondence, a manuscript written by Seymour Shubin regarding the events experienced by Roy Allen as a prisoner of war during WWII. Included is a hand written letter by William J. Williams appealing to U.S. government officials to publically recognize 82 American POW that were imprisoned at Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Weirmar, Germany during WWII.