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Fact Sheets

  • BLANTON, N.A. Papers (1945)

    .10 cu ft Call No. 731.306-1 IRIS No. 0258627 Major. USAAF, 17th Pursuit Group, 1941-1942. Personal papers relating to Blanton's World War II service. Includes a narrative describing fighter unit activities in the early Philippine Islands and Dutch East Indies area during the early months of World

  • BLOCK, Emil Nathaniel, Jr. Papers (1970-1981)

    .75 cu ftCall No. 168.7184IRIS Nos. 01068004-1068043Major General. USAF, 1956-1981. Born in Newark, OH. BS, United States Naval Academy, 1956; two MS, University of Michigan, 1961; MBA, George Washington U, 1966. Air Command and Staff College, 1966; National War College, 1971. Career assignments

  • BLOOD, Gordon F. (Major General)

    Call No.: K239.0512-257 IRIS No.: 00904161 & 00904162 IRIS Tape No.: 00904163 & 00904164 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: 87pp/1:47 Class: U Date/Location: 6 April 1970/Unknown Interviewers: Major Samuel E. Riddlebarger and Major Richard B. Clement Source: Project CORONA HARVEST

  • BLUM, William G., Papers. 1919 - 1972 (Published 1976)

    .65 cu ftCall Nos. 168.7063IRIS Nos. 1011603William Blum was born in Dansville, New York, and became a member of the U.S. Air Force Reserve from 1941 until he retired in January of 1966 where he achieved the rank of Colonel. He was an aviation cadet from 1941 through 1942 and commissioned as a

  • BLUM, William George Papers (1976)

    .65 cu ftCall Nos. 168.7063IRIS Nos. 1011603William Blum was born in Dansville, New York on 26 October 1919 and became a member of the U.S. Air Force Reserve from 1941 until he retired in January of 1966 where he achieved the rank of Colonel. He was an aviation cadet from 1941 through 1942 and

  • BOHANNON, Richard Leland Papers (1918-1974)

    1 cu ftCall No. 168.7111IRIS Nos. 1027943-1027958Lieutenant General. USAF, 1932-1967. Born in Dallas, TX. BS, Southern Methodist University, 1928, MD, Baylor University College of Medicine, 1932. Army Medical School, 1939,; Medical Field Service School, 1940; School of Aviation Medicine, l940 and

  • BOWEN, Christopher (Lt. Colonel); ESTES, Albert W. (Captain)

    Call No.: K239.0512-369IRIS No.: n/aIRIS Tape No.: 00904358Accessibility: OPENPages/Time: no transcript/0:50Class: UDate/Location: October 1969/ South VietnamInterviewers: UnknownSource: Project CORONA HARVEST CollectionTopics:(1968-69) Oral history interview with Lt. Colonel Christopher Bowen and

  • BRADLEY, Follett Papers (1905-1967)

    2 reels negative microfilmCall No. 168.7149, 34143-34144IRIS Nos. 1032818-1032319Major General. USAAF, 1920-1944. Born in Fort Omaha, NE. BS, United States Naval Academy, 1910. Air Service Engineering School, 1922; Air Corps Tactical School, 1927; Command and General Staff School, 1928; Army War

  • BRADY, Francis Murray Papers (1917-1948)

    3 reels negative microfilmCall Nos. 168.7150, 34144-34146IRIS Nos. 1032819-1032821Brigadier General. USAAF, 1920-1947. Born in Yonkers, NY. Air Service Tactical School, 1923; Command and General Staff School, 1931; Army War College, 1936. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Infantry Reserve, August 1917

  • BROCK, John W. (Colonel)

    Call No.: K239.0512-170 IRIS No.: 00904010 C.1/01019300 C.2 IRIS Tape No.: 00904011 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: 21pp/0:40 Class: U Date/Location: 20 December 1968/Oklahoma City OK Interviewers: Kenneth L. Patchin Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1965-1966) Oral history