BLOOD, Gordon F. (Major General) Call No.: K239.0512-257 IRIS No.: 00904161 & 00904162 IRIS Tape No.: 00904163 & 00904164 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: 87pp/1:47 Class: U Date/Location: 6 April 1970/Unknown Interviewers: Major Samuel E. Riddlebarger and Major Richard B. Clement Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1967-68) Oral history interview with Major General Gordon Blood, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Seventh Air Force (AF), Tan Son Nhut Air Base, South Vietnam, (1967-69); evaluation of command and control in Southeast Asia (SEA), special air warfare in SEA, effect of command relations with Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, on air operations, relations between Seventh AF and the American Embassy, Vientiane and Laos. Also discussed are Route Package compartmentalizations in North Vietnam (NVN), effectiveness of US bombing in NVN, target selection process at Seventh AF, effectiveness of airpower in SEA, airlift operations in SEA and B-52 target selection.