BROCK, John W. (Colonel)

Call No.: K239.0512-170 

IRIS No.: 00904010 C.1/01019300 C.2 

IRIS Tape No.: 00904011 

Accessibility: OPEN 

Pages/Time: 21pp/0:40 

Class: U 

Date/Location: 20 December 1968/Oklahoma City OK 

Interviewers: Kenneth L. Patchin 

Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection 


(1965-1966) Oral history interview with Colonel John Brock Chief of Staff, Materiel, 3d Air Division, Guam and U Tapao Royal Thai Air Force Base commander. Topics discussed are materiel, logistics, maintenance support of Arc Light operations, organization of maintenance management responsibilities, buildup of the munitions storage and loading facilities and deployment to Thailand.