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Fact Sheets

  • DUNTON, Delmar H. Papers (1917-1966)

    1 cu ftCall No. 168.7109IRIS No. 1027999-1028015Major General. USAAF, 1917-1945.Born in Detroit, MI. School of Military Aeronautics, Austin, TX 1917-1918. Air Corps Tactical School, 1938. Flying Cadet, 1917-1918; commissioned Second Lieutenant, Air Service, August 1918. Career assignments include:

  • DURE, Leon S. Papers (1942-1945)

    .02 cu ft Call No. 820.04C IRIS No. 0265353 Major. USAAF, Eastern Air Command, 1942-1943. Personal papers relating to the importance of air power in the conquest of Burma by the Allies. Includes a description of air-ground and guerrilla operations to retake Burma in the years 1942-1945.

  • DWIGHT, Henry Williams Papers (1917-1961)

    2 reels negative microfilm.Call No. 168.7151, 34146-34147IRIS No. 1032821-1032822Second Lieutenant. Air Service, 1917-1919.Born in Brookline, MA. Served to grade of Quartermaster Third Class, US Naval Reserve Force, April-August 1917; transferred and served to grade of Private First Class, Aviation

  • DYESS, William Edwin Papers (1942-1943)

    .05 cu ftCall No. 142.767-3IRIS No. 00116888Lieutenant Colonel. 21st Pursuit Squadron, 1941-1943.Died in P-38 crash near Burbank, CA. Dyess AFB, YX named in his honor. Author of The Dyess Story (1944, reprint 1976).Official papers relating to Dyess' experiences and observations while a prisoner of

  • DYKES, Victor Papers (1942-1944)

    .02 cu ft Call No. 749.01 IRIS No. 0260807 Major. USAAF, Seventh Air Force. Official papers relating to the organization and operations of COMAIRSOLS (Commander Air Solomons). Includes information that was taken from a war diary that Dykes kept while assigned to the Command.