
Numbered USAF Historical Studies 
Short Studies on Recent Operations

Numbered Historical Studies

Numbered Studies 1-50 :: 51-100 :: 101-150 :: 151-200

Numbered USAF Historical Studies

The historical studies listed on the following pages have been prepared primarily for use within the Air Force, but are available for loan or purchase under certain conditions.

Those studies marked (S) are Secret and those marked (U) are Unclassified. Studies can be made available for sale or loan only within the limitations of security classifications and existing administrative regulations. Unclassified studies are generally available to all requesters.

Government agencies can arrange for official loans by contacting the Archives Branch, Air Force Historical Research Agency by mail or fax (334) 953-7428 (DSN 493-7428). Copies of unclassified studies may be requested by non-government agencies or individuals through the interlibrary loan department of a local or college library.

The German Monographs, numbered 150 through 196, are unclassified. Most monographs are available in German and English manuscript form at the Research Agency. Monograph number 195 is available only in German. As noted in the list, two monographs do not have the German text available. Microfilm reel numbers are indicated for both German text (G) and English translation (E)

Most of the studies are available free on CD. Requests should be addressed to the Archives Branch, Air Force Historical Research Agency, 600 Chennault Circle, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6424.

Numbered Studies 1-50 :: 51-100 :: 101-150 :: 151-200