The coverage provided by unit histories is supplemented by special collections, including historical monographs and studies; oral history interview transcripts; End-Of-Tour Reports; personal papers of retired general officers and other Air Force personnel; reference materials on the early period of military aviation; course materials of the Air Corps Tactical School of the 1920s and 1930s; working documents of various joint and combined commands; miscellaneous documents or collections of various organizations, including the US Army, British Air Ministry, and the German Air Force; USAF individual aircraft record cards, and a large collection of material relating to the USAF activities in the war in Southeast Asia and Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
The Agency accessions approximately 2,000,000 pages of historical material each year, including the annual and quarterly histories of Air Force units as well as additions to the special collections. Working closely with the Air Force Historian and the History Offices of the major commands, the Agency conducts an oral history program to record important historical data that would otherwise be lost. The Agency also gives special attention to the acquisition of personal papers of value for documenting Air Force and airpower history.
Over the years, the Agency's collection has been used by the Air Force for preparation of plans, development of programs, analyses and evaluations of operations, staff studies on many subjects, textbooks and other course materials for Air Force schools, student papers and theses, orientation and indoctrination of personnel, and many other purposes. The collection has provided information regarding military aviation in general and the US Air Force in particular to Congress, the military services, and other government agencies. The collection has been used extensively by scholars, students, and writers, for books and monographs, master's theses, doctoral dissertations, magazine articles, and TV and movie scripts.