Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR): If you are seeking a copy of a record or records that are currently classified, and would like to have the record reviewed to determine whether the entire document or portions of the document can be declassified and/or released, you should file an MDR request. A provision of Presidential Executive Order 13526 allows members of the public to request an MDR of a classified document in order to obtain a releasable version of the document. If you choose to file an MDR, it is not permissible to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the same information at the same time.
The document requested must be specified in sufficient detail to be readily located. The record in question may not be the subject of litigation. The MDR process can be very time consuming and in-depth, due to the classification of materials being reviewed, since it is necessary for classified material to be examined by the agency that originated it and by other agencies with interests in the material being reviewed. MDR decisions can be administratively appealed to the Headquarters Air Force/AAII (Mandatory Declassification Review) or Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP).
Requests for review and release of classified records under the MDR process can be made to:
Headquarters Air Force/AAII (Mandatory Declassification Review)
1000 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1000
Phone: Comm: (703) 693-2560/DSN 223-2560