BALLANTYNE, James I. (Major) Call No.: K239.512-013 IRIS No.: 00903735 IRIS Tape No.: 00903736 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: 19pp/0:28 Class: U Date/Location: 13 September 1967/Maxwell AFB AL Interviewer: Lt. Col. Robert Eckert Sources: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1966-1967) Oral history interview with Major James Ballantyne, F-4C aircraft commander for the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing (TFWg), Ubon Royal Thai Air Force Base. Includes topics on all-volunteer personnel, good morale, fragmentary orders from the 7th Air Force, inter-service planning cooperation, ordnance for truck kills, interdiction and harassment, logistics good, use of intelligence after debriefing and the efficiency of the 8th TFWg.