BETTS, Richard L. (Major) Call No.: K239.0512-018 IRIS No.: unavailable IRIS Tape No.: 00903743 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: No transcript/0:37 Class: U Date/Location: 18 September 1967/Maxwell AFB AL Interviewer: Major Harry Shallcross Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1966-1967) Oral history interview with Major Richard Betts who participated in Project TALLY HO as a forward air controller (FAC) in the demilitarized zone. Topics discussed are target selection procedures, controlling of A-1, F-4, F-105 and B-57, comparison of aircraft controlled, ordnance used in strike missions and its effectiveness, one-pass restriction on fighter aircraft ineffective, effectiveness of strike operations, FAC for night operations and night operations not as effective as possible.