MIZE, Lee (Major) USA Call No.: K239.512-043 IRIS No.: 00903783 IRIS Tape No.: 00903784 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: 30pp/0:36 Class: U Date/Location: April 1968/Maxwell AFB AL Interviewer: Col. Joe M. O'Grady Sources: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1963-66) Oral History interview with Major Lee Mize, assigned to the 5th Special Forces Provisional, Vietnam. Topics included information on the support of the local population in Pacification Program and Civil Irregular Defense Group, conducts search and destroy operations with air support from T-28, Vietnamese restrictions on airstrikes, H-21 for resupply and jumping small reconnaissance teams, second tour in war zones C and D and Iron Triangle. Also discussed are personnel of reconnaissance teams and Roadrunner teams, Air Force response to request for immediate air, evaluation of napalm and cluster bomb unit, devastation of B-52 strike, use of B-52 strike as a blocking force, advantages of air liaison officer and forward air controller operations, use of Puff, the Magic Dragon (AC-47) with flareships, aerial resupply accuracy, use of gunships in reconnaissance commando operations and improvement in air support.