DABNEY, James F. (Captain USA) Call No.: K239.0512-149 IRIS No.: 00903971 IRIS Tape No.: 00903972 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: 47pp/0:45 Class: U Date/Location: 24 January 1969/Fort Benning GA Interviewers: Captain Richard B. Clement Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1967-1968) Oral history interview with Captain James F. Dabney a US Army company commander, Brigade S-3 Air. Topics discussed are close air support provided Army ground units, assistance provided by Air Force forward air controllers and the effectiveness of ordnance used, cluster bomb units, napalm, instantaneous fusing bombs. Also included are targeting methods, problem of marking friendlies, effectiveness of B-52s, AC-47s, and C-130s in support of ground operations and the need for more training in capabilities of other branches of the armed services.