MOORE, Joseph H. (Lt. General)

Call No.: K239.0512-241 

IRIS No.: 00904135 

IRIS Tape No.: 00904136, 00904137 

Accessibility: OPEN 

Pages/Time: 79pp/2:26 

Class: U 

Date/Location: 22 November 1969/Unknown 

Interviewers: Major Samuel E. Riddlebarger and Lt. Col. V. Castellina 

Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection 


(1964-1967) Oral history interview with Lt. General Joseph Moore, Commander, 2d Air Division and Deputy Commander, US Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) for Air, Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Republic of Vietnam, Southeast Asia (SEA) orientation and Farm Gate. Also included are the nature of US assistance, rules of engagement, effect, source, relations with US Embassy, Vientiane, division of North Vietnam into Route Packages, control of tactical air, introduction of jets to South Vietnam, single management of air, Air Force (AF) representation on the MACV staff, Army air, effect of the introduction of the USAF on the Vietnam AF, US Army (USA)/USAF rivalry, use of helicopters in air support and the validity of USA requests for close air support (CAS). Topics also included the maintenance to tactical air control/forward air control capability, communications, armed forward air controllers, munitions used in CAS, use of radar bombs, and surface-to-air missiles, airlift operations, command and control, reconnaissance, centralization, USA, quantity and photographic processing. And finally, psychological operations/civic action, Special Operations Force, specialization, covert operations, tour length, testing in a combat theater, air operations in Laos, effectiveness of airpower in SEA, lessons learned, documentation and evaluation of airpower utilization in SEA.