OLDS, Robin (Colonel) Call No.: K239.0512-160 IRIS No.: 00903991 C.1, 00903992 C.2 IRIS Tape No.: 00903993 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: 47pp/0:58 Class: U Date/Location: 12 July 1967/Maxwell AFB AL Interviewers: Unknown Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1966-1967) Oral history interview with Colonel Robin Olds, 8th Tactical Fighter Wing Commander discusses principles of air-to-air combat tactics, evaluation of MiG pilots, USAF fighter pilot training, evaluation of F-4, MiG-17 and MiG-21, involvement in Operation Bolo, effectiveness and procedures of operation, F-4 escort of F-105s, MiG battles, air-to-air weapons, an evaluation, F-4 electronic countermeasures pod modification.