DILGER, Robert G., (Major)

Call No.: K239.0512-202 

IRIS No.: 00904060 C.1/00904061 C.2 

IRIS Tape No.: 00904062 

Accessibility: OPEN 

Pages/Time: 35pp/0:34 

Class: U 

Date/Location: 6 July 1967/Da Nang AB, South Vietnam 

Interviewers: Unknown 

Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection 


(1967) Oral history interview with Major Dilger who was assigned to the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing. Discusses effective air-to-air tactics and weapons; rules of engagement, MiG tactics and pilot skill level; comparison of F-4 with MiG-17 and MiG-21; described his own MiG kill; missile problems and training USAF pilots.