DAVIS, William C. (Colonel) Call No.: K239.0512-235 IRIS No.: not available IRIS Tape No.: 00904125 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: no transcript/1:03 Class: U Date/Location: 20 November 1969/Unknown Interviewers: Captain Richard B. Clement Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1968-1969) Oral history interview with Colonel William C. Davis, Director of Command Center, Seventh Air Force (AF) Tactical Air Control Center (TACC); Director of Seventh/Thirteenth AF TACC. Discusses command and control of air operations, procedures for control of strikes, airborne battlefield command and control center, aircraft loss and search and rescue procedures. Also included are Commando Hunt command and control/communications, radar, radio-relay capabilities, manning/personnel, deficiencies in reporting systems, computerization and Vietnamese ability to operate command and control system.