FASS, Alfred W. (Major) et al Call No.: K239.0512-253 IRIS No.: not available IRIS Tape No.: 00904155 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: No transcript/0:57 Class: U Date/Location: 1968/Andersen AFB, Guam Interviewers: Unknown Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1965-1968) Oral history interview with Major Alfred W. Fass, aircraft commander; Captain Nash, copilot; Major Langford, radar navigator; Captain Starr, navigator; Captain Cooper, electronic warfare officer; Sergeant Smith, gunner--general discussion of B-52 operations: training, morale, early B-52 strikes in Southeast Asia (SEA) and current ones compared, bombing techniques, crew fatigue, individual crewmember responsibilities, resentment of crewmembers on third tours toward Strategic Air Command personnel yet to complete one SEA tour. Crew has 153 missions.