BELLEMARE, Edmond R. (Major)

Call No.: K239.0512-272

IRIS No.: 00904190

IRIS Tape No.: no tape

Accessibility: OPEN

Pages/Time: 4pp/no tape

Class: U

Date/Location: 6 December 1962/Don Muang Airport, Thailand

Interviewers: Joseph W. Grainger

Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection


(1962 ) Oral history interview with Major Edmond Bellemare, Director of Materiel, 2d Advanced Echelon, Don Muang Airport, Thailand. Topics discussed are war readiness materiel to support Able Mable and Bell Tone, lack of personnel, lack of equipment and facilities, reactivation of Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base, support of Exercise Air Cobra, communications and support of the motor pool.