MEYERS, Gilbert L. (Major General)

Call No.: K239.0512-282

IRIS No.: 00904200

IRIS Tape No.: 00904201-00904203

Accessibility: OPEN

Pages/Time: 202 pp/3:27

Class: U

Date/Location: 27 May 1970/Unknown

Interviewers: Major Richard B. Clement and Captain R.G. Swenston

Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection


(1965-1966) Oral history interview with Major General Gilbert Meyers, former Seventh Air Force (AF) Vice Commander. Topics include criticism of high level direction of North Vietnam (NVN) bombing campaign and overall employment of airpower in Southeast Asia (SEA). Discusses NVN targeting: selection, planning and strategy; rules of engagement, command and control, and constraints/restraints. Also included are airlift: use by Army, command and control; munitions available, SEA command relationships, criticizes AF lack of single management of air, relations with Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Army, Vietnamization and Military Assistance Advisory Group. Discusses reconnaissance: organization, capabilities, effectiveness, strikes against surface-to-air missile sites; interdiction strategy, role and future of special air warfare forces, B-52 utilization and forward air control/air liaison officer/tactical air control system capability: obsolete needs updating and retention. Lastly, evolvement of SEA war, Army versus AF's roles and missions regarding air resources, rescue and Army/AF cooperation.