RIDDLEBARGER, Samuel E. (Major)

Call No.: K239.0512-285

IRIS No.: 00904210

IRIS Tape No.: 009045038, 00905039

Accessibility: OPEN

Pages/Time: 70 pp/2:20

Class: U

Date/Location: 15 June 1970/Maxwell AFB AL

Interviewers: Major Richard B. Clement

Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection


(1967-1968) Oral history interview with Major Samuel Riddlebarger, Seventh Air Force (AF) plans officer. Discusses coordination of Seventh AF tactical operations pamphlets, assignment system in Southeast Asia, complication of command organization in Saigon, responsibilities of air planning, expansion of Navy River Patrol Force or Game Warden Operation, attack on billet in Saigon during 1968 Tet offensive and criticizes personnel accounting.