Reinhardt, G. Frederick (Ambassador) Call No.: K239.0512-292 IRIS No.: 00904217 IRIS Tape No.: 00904218 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: 51pp/1:00 Class: U Date/Location: 30 June 1970/Unknown Interviewers: Major Richard B. Clement Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1955-1957) Oral history interview with Ambassador G. Frederick Reinhardt, US Ambassador to the Republic of Vietnam, Saigon 1955-57. Discusses the free world objective in South Vietnam (SVN) and role of military in achieving that objective, principal issue in SVN 1955, "nonelection of 1956", effectiveness of the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Geneva Accords restriction on advisors and civic action programs. Topics also include intelligence, relationship of Viet Minh and Viet Cong, possibility of invasion from North Vietnam, place of China in US policy toward SVN, "uniqueness" of conflict in Southeast Asia, effect of French withdrawal on Franco-South Vietnamese relations and the importance of understanding history and environment of any area in which US becomes involved.