DULEVITZ, Alexander R. (Captain) Call No.: K239.0512-366 IRIS No.: n/a IRIS Tape No.: 00904353 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: no transcript/1:00 Class: U Date/Location: 28 September 1970/Maxwell AFB AL Interviewers: Col. A. P. McHugh and Major J.A. Ifland Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1965-68) Oral history interview with Captain Alexander Dulevitz, relates information gathered from a series of informal interviews he conducted with former members of Strategic Air Relocatable Photographic Facility (SARPF): Colonel Melvin E. Tiemann, Major Whitt L. Latham, Major Robert Purcell, Capt William Little, CMSgt Earl Russem, and MSgt Andrew Anderson; SARPF early deployment and operations and finally photo-processing and photo exploitation.