BROWN, George S. (General) Call No.: K239.0512-365 IRIS No.: 00904349 IRIS Tape No.: 00904350-00904352 Accessibility: OPEN Pages/Time: 127pp/3:15 Class: U Date/Location: 19-20 October 1970/Unknown Interviewers: Major Richard B. Clement and Captain R.G. Swenston Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection Topics: (1968-70) Oral history interview with General George Brown, Assistant to Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff, Washington DC 1966-68, Commander, Seventh Air Force (AF) and Deputy Commander for Air Operations, US Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV), Saigon, Republic of Vietnam, 1968-70. Discusses command and control: undesirability of separating Commander, Seventh AF and Deputy Commander for Air Operations, MACV; division of the airpower effort in Southeast (SEA); Laos operations; single management of air; division of North Vietnam in to Route Packages; centralization of control center, airborne warning and control system; reconnaissance uses of Igloo White and dedication of squadrons to day or night operations exclusively. Also discussed is operational control of B-52s in SEA; close air support (CAS) operations; north Vietnamese objectives in South Vietnam and Laos; working relations between the American Embassy, Vientiane, Laos, and Seventh AF; relative merits of prop and jet aircraft and maintenance of the forward air control (FAC) capability in peacetime. Topics include rotary-wing and fixed-wing aircraft in the CAS role; reconnaissance responsiveness to user; U-2 program in South Vietnam; role of gunships; effect of Vietnamization; advisory mission of Seventh AF and South Vietnam AF participation in the Cambodian operation, 1970. Finally organization of the AF reconnaissance structure; TAC RISE, measurement of the effectiveness of airpower in SEA; cessation of bombing in North Vietnam; constraints and restraints on US operations and force reduction in South Vietnam.